Wednesday, December 12, 2012

To know for sure Chinese Pronunciation: the latest 80/20 Guide, Component 2

"I need to learn but just deliver the basics! "

That's what for you to complete pronunciation guide signifies. It's all that you must know about the pinyin procedure for pronunciation to make do.

The 80% which has been important. (Spend 20% of the time to learn the main difference 80% that's elemental. )

Continued from Share 1, learn enunciation, the 4 color styles...

1. Consonants

There are 27 consonants in pinyin that happens to be pronounced almost like in English.

b, testosterone, m, f, d, t, n, testosterone, g, k, ve, h, j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, testosterone, z, c, tilis, y, w

Learn pronunciation of Consonants

b like for example boy

p as in pine

m what i mean mother

f as in food

d like in dig

t as in talk

n like for example none

l as in loud

g what i mean good

k as in kid

ng by way of example song

h as in hot

j as with jeep

q like "ch" in cheat

x into sound between a "s" in see understanding that "sh" in she

zh like "dg" in sludge

ch for instance such as children

sh as in shake

r as with raw

z like "ds" inside words

c like "ts" in eats

s like son

y as began offering rebates Yao Ming

w just like for example we

2. Vowels

There suffer from 6 simple vowels.

a, to, e, i, ough, ü

Learn pronunciation of Vowels

- a like for example mama

- o for example drop

- e regarding in

- I what i mean sit

- U regarding look

- ü like for example u in french rue

3. Vowel Combinations

In pronunciation, basic vowels can build vowel combinations collectively with your or with a complete nasal consonant.

Learn pronunciation meant for Vowel Combinations

- ai a little as though eye

- an may seem like "ah" with exceptional emphatic "n" overall (NOT like "an" in can)

- ang could be "ah" with a soft "ng" (NOT a product like "ang" in hang)

- ao is usually like "ao" in Tao

- ei feels as though "ay" in bay

- en will be "u" in sun

- eng is like "ung" in sung

- emergency room like "ur" up the purse

- ia is a ya

- iang is like young

- ie can be like yeah

- iu is the "ou" inside you

- ian take good care of yen

- iao is a "eow" in meow

- in as in "in" began offering rebates gin

- ing for instance such as "ing" in sing

- iong is like pinyin "yong"

- ong is much like "ong" in kong

- ou appears like "ow" in low

- ua is normally "ua" in guava

- uan as an example one

- uang desire "oo" + ang

- ui will be way

- un seems like "wou" in would and meaning "n" sound (woon)

- uo sounds like "wo" as about wall

- uai is actually why

- ua will be "wa"

- ü all the like yuan and straightforward written without several dots

- ü e just like "yue" ("we" at "wet")


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