Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thai - Basic Syntax

Sentence structure as a result of Chinese Mandarin is slightly dissimilar to ours in Great britain. If you run through our grammar to have a chat Chinese I know you will are obtainable understood, but why reasonable strange when do not need? Essentially the Chinese are actually put the "time" factor at the beginning of the sentence. They also always put the people in the initial stages. The easiest means of explain this is usually example.

I most certainly school tomorrow inside my dad.

Or organic beef also say

I most certainly school with my pops tomorrow

The sentence above consists of a time element "tomorrow" and two different people "I" and "my dad". See below how Chinese person announce the above sentences:

Tomorrow I inside my dad most certainly school.

So you'll be able to above the first word is "tomorrow". This is common in Chinese language program. Before speaking, think about what you'll certainly say and if what you would say includes whilst element like "tomorrow" "yesterday" "next year" it "at 12 o'clock" you need to say that great. Then think get a full people "I" "you" "he" "she" etc and make sure those are towards before time sentence. Everything else can get caught in place after ask yourself how. If you implement those 2 putting surface rules you've done primary work in getting something grammatically right in Chinese.

Now and ask questions in Chinese you'll find it's easier. Using English again for instance:

She quite beautiful

Is Meyer beautiful?

Notice in English we only reverse the order for the pronoun and the important verb. Not rocket science really, but Chinese is less difficult. They just have a statement and say "ma" worth. Kind of such as verbalised question ticker, or at minimum amount that's how I love think of i . t. So this Chinese might:

She quite beautiful "ma"?

Or another other way to ask the identical question in Chinese may be:

She quite beautiful not fabulous?

This yet another common way must questions in Chinese. However when using actual questions terms like who, what, where, when, why or how we wouldn't like to use "ma" because who are suffering question word ensure it is obvious that i am asking a question.


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